Earlier this week, Governor Paterson announced that New York State has completed the most successful Federal Stimulus quarter in state history. Over the last quarter, a combined 41,582 jobs have been created in 22 state agencies through funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA).
Notable ARRA programs include:
The ARRA Education programs which has funded 29,5531 teaching/support positions throughout the state.
The Weatherization Assistance Program which has funded 990 jobs in retrofitting low income housing for energy efficiency.
The Community Services Block Grant which has funded 3,727 jobs in employment services.
Highway Infrastructure and Urban Transit which has funded 2,735 construction jobs.
The Child Care and Development Fund which has funded 2,319 jobs in financial services as well as child care improvement.
For more information visit http://readme.readmedia.com/Governor-Paterson-Announces-Continued-Success-of-New-York-States-Stimulus-Programs/1759170.