Green Innovations

Developing renewable and clean technology companies in New York

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Governor Paterson is seeking input on his recent climate plan

In order to make significant reductions in New York State's greenhouse gas emissions Governor David Patterson has released an interim New York State Climate Action Plan. The plan comes from The Climate Action Council, a group formed last year by Governor Patterson. The Climate Action Council has ambitious goals of reducing our 1990 level of emissions by 80% in the next 40 years, while creating an abundance of high quality jobs. The council plans on achieving such goals by accelerating the development of low-carbon power sources, improving construction codes, adopting low-carbon fuel standards for public transportation, reduction of farm waste, and supporting companies develop clean energy technologies.

With an action plan on the table Governor Patterson and The Climate Action Council are seeking public feedback! This is a great opportunity to leave your mark on a plan that has the potential to significantly increase the environmental, social and economic sustainability of New York State.

To review the plan visit and submit feedback to or mail it to Climate Action Plan, NYSERDA, 17 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203.