Green Innovations

Developing renewable and clean technology companies in New York

Friday, February 17, 2012

NYSERDA grants $300,000 for advancements in deep energy retrofits

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has granted two Ithaca, New York companies, Taitem Engineering and Snug Planet, $300,000 to optimize and promote technologies to improve residential energy performance. The funding is based largely on reducing high upfront costs associated with deep energy retrofits, an efficient retrofitting approach utilizing rigid insulation or spray foam in exterior walls to reduce heat loss. Although deep energy retrofits have proven reductions in energy from 60-75%, high upfront costs serve as a barrier for many homeowners.

With combined experience in the design and application of deep energy retrofits, Taitem Engineering and Snug Planet have their sights on reducing costs by using alternative insulation materials and streamlining the retrofit process.

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