- Car-sharing...what is it?
- How does it work?
- What are the benefits?
- Would it be good for my community?
Car share experts from across Upstate NY are convening June 17th from 1pm until 5 pm at the Clean Tech Center, at The Tech Garden in Syracuse, New York to learn from a panel of community car-shares.
The program includes a welcome by Vita Demarchi and Chris Beck, Co-Founders of CuseCar, followed by presentations by Jennifer Dotson, Director, Ithaca Car-Share, Creighton Randall, Director, Buffalo Car-Share, Kevin Laughlin, Autoshare in Toronto, and Joe Tario, Senior Project Manager Transportation and Power Systems Research, NYSERDA. A demonstration of car share technology and a car share vehicle is part of the program.
Space is limited. - Cost: $25 per person
RSVP to sstephens@synapsepartnersllc.com
CuseCar | A sustainability initiative founded by Synapse Partners, LLC